• Phone: 085 130 30 30
  • Email: info@212solutions.ie

35vgthp2   epfch1eg    qc-2pos-g-509x340 650A9371a   650A9283a   Contacta Q-Control queue management systems enable the optimum management of single-lines and queues at multiple service positions, so that customers are served quickly and staff can operate effectively and efficiently. The systems provide a combination of visual and audio direction to the next available service position, reducing misunderstandings or confusion amongst those waiting in line, and helping customers with poor eyesight and/or hearing loss. Q-Control systems provide effective queue management for up to 16 service positions. Customer flow is easily controlled at each service position. Installation is simple and neat (cabling can be concealed within counter frames) whether as part of a new build project or refurbishment of existing facilities.

Main features

– Clearly visible head of queue display in red and black

– High quality voice reproduction

– Male or female voice choice

Typical applications for Q-Control systems include:

– Credit Unions

– Banks

– Hospitals and clinics

– Post offices

– Ticket offices

– Railway stations

– Check-in counters